The truck manager is the invisible link between the customer and the truck driver. But all the work of logistics companies rests on this link. The dispatcher finds profitable loads and reliable drivers, negotiates with a broker. In addition, he deals with documents, monitors the schedule and prices, selects the best routes for drivers. And he communicates a lot. Most operations are tied precisely to communication between the dispatcher, broker and driver. At the same time, the dispatcher-driver-customer partnership is mutually beneficial for all parties.
Within the framework of this article, we would like to dwell on the cooperation of dispatchers and drivers.
The dispatcher is interested in establishing confidential communication with as many drivers as possible, in whose competence he will be as confident as possible. After all, his earnings directly depend on this. On average, the dispatcher can simultaneously work with 3-8 drivers.
In order to sell the services of a driver, make a profit and at the same time earn a good reputation with customers, the dispatcher needs to study the driver and build a trusting relationship with him.
To begin with, the dispatcher needs to study the method of work, the features of the cargo that he is ready to transport, the roads on which he prefers to travel and determine the degree of comfort of working with the driver.
All people are different and therefore it is important that in the process of communication everyone is comfortable, everyone understands each other and in certain situations they can quickly find solutions. Somewhere they dug up the road and you have to look for another entrance, the car broke down and you need to urgently reload everything into another car, the customer does not have time to arrive at the place of loading the cargo on time and you have to shift the delivery time – situations in the process of cargo transportation can be different and it is worth understanding that human factor can take place, and it must be taken into account. It’s no secret that the dispatcher is the eyes and ears of the driver and his task is to help the trucker to deliver the cargo to the destination as quickly and comfortably as possible, and also to knock out the highest possible price from the broker for this service. In such a tandem, trust and the ability to rely on a work partner are very important.
To make the driver “their own” it is necessary to take into account his wishes in the work as much as possible. It is advisable to send him a list of questions that reflect the personal qualities of the driver, as well as his preferences for weight, territory of transportation, special qualifications (hazmat certification or twic card and so on). Building trust takes time. As practice shows, this takes at least 2 weeks – although everything here also depends on the “intensity” of interactions (the number of orders).
The company’s specialists know for sure all the secrets and subtleties of work in this area and are able to create both comfortable conditions for cooperation for everyone, and a financial cushion for themselves.