5 tips from SmartProvide team: How to create a convincing website

For modern business, an essential part of a successful marketing strategy is creating a convincing and attractive website with high conversion. The competition on the Internet is huge, and to stand out among many websites, it is necessary to create a website that not only drags attention, but also keeps ahold of visitors.

  1. Explore your audience and competitors:

Before creating a website, it is necessary to conduct a study of the target audience. CA analysis will help to better understand the needs and preferences of your potential customers. Also, do not forget about competitors: it is important to study the range of goods and services, prices, quality of service and convenience of their website. 

When developing a website, our team conducts detailed analysis of your niche in order to find a solution that will make you stand out of all other competitors.

2. Professional Design:

The design of the website is crucial to keeping the attention of potential customers. It is important to consider all the features of your business and the portrait of the target audience. You will agree that the website of the beauty salon and the website of the law company design will be radically different. Do you know how to choose the right design concept for your website?

You can safely entrust this task to experienced SmartProvide designers. The team will create a unique website design reflecting your company and its values.

3. Personalized Content:

In order to attract and retain the attention of visitors you must create content that reflects the interests and issues of the target audience. Keep a blog not just for check marks, but to reveal in articles answers to popular questions of your customers. Users of your website should recognize themselves and their tasks in photos, videos and case descriptions. Do not copy content from competitors. Just write about people and for real people – it always makes sales. 

4. Convenient navigation: 

Users of the website should be equally convenient to make an order or get acquainted with the assortment of goods/services both from computer and phone. Every element of the website should be in its place. Website structure should be initially understandable for users – save time and nerves of your potential customers.

Our designers consider every element in detail from the point of view of the rules of UX-design. The more convenient your website, the more conversion advertising.

5. Website download speed:

What percentage of users will wait 20 seconds for your website to load? Right, such patient users are very few. Therefore, if you want to not just pay for the transition to the website on your ad, but also keep the user’s attention – optimize the download speed. It is important to pay attention to the adaptation of photo and video material on the site. For example, the video is better to broadcast via the link from the YouTube channel. 

As well as the download speed is affected by the quality of code and plugins used, so it is too risky to trust website development beginners. Contact SmartProvide professionals.


It is essential for business success to create a convincing website that attracts and retains visitors. We offer you all the necessary resources and expertise to create such a website. Do not miss the opportunity to attract more customers and multiply profits.

Contact us now to create a website from scratch or order a comprehensive audit of your company’s website. Contact us at (info@smartprovide.com)  or fill in the feedback form on our website.


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