Landing Page Development for Bubbles show

Initially, the client approached us intending to create a marketing strategy for the Bubble Show, with the subsequent task of creating a modern website and effectively promoting it. Based on the received information from the client, we thought about the idea of project development and the future structure of the site. We have implemented the necessary functionality to give the client a site with high conversion. Since the task of the client was to create an original and unique site, our team paid special attention not only to the development of the “body” site but also to the content.


  • Create a bright and unique logo
  • Fulfill the customer’s task to reflect the mood of the show and place photos from the live holidays;
  • Develop a prototype site taking into account the specifics of the business;
  • Adapt bright design with the presence of animation;
  • Add feedback forms, as well as the opportunity to leave a reservation;
  • Adapt the site for mobile devices and tablets;
  • Link the site to the CMS system WordPress

Development term – 1 month